We are always looking for ways to get enough fiber, but not lose the taste. I can't stand the cardboard taste that usually comes with fiber foods. But, fear not, Fiber One doesn't have that taste. In fact, when I first tasted Fiber One 80 calorie Honey Squares, I had to do a double take. They are really good. Even the kids love them...finding a healthy cereal that kids love...can't beat that. General Mills through MyBlogSpark, shared this awesome little Fiber One pack with me, and they are letting me share one with one of my readers as well.

- 1 box of Fiber One 80 Calories Cereal
- 1 sensor pedometer with USB connector to chart walking progress
- 1 neoprene iPod/smartphone holder with armstrap
how do you get enough fiber in your diet?
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please leave a comment for each entry. Giveaway will end Sunday July 31st and winner will have 24 hours to get me needed info once I email.
"Disclosure: Fiber One 80 Calories cereal, information, and giveaway have been provided by General Mills through MyBlogSpark."